OBC Scholarship in India

Education is the backbone of any society. It is the most powerful tool to help people achieve their goals and dreams. However, education is still a privilege rather than a right in India. The government has taken several initiatives to improve the country’s education quality, including the OBC scholarship. The OBC scholarship is exclusively for…

Soils Of South Eastern Nigerian Origin, Characteristics, And Use Potential

What is soil? Soil is a mixture of organic and inorganic materials that cover the surface of the Earth and provides the necessary medium for plant growth. It is a complex and dynamic system composed of minerals, organic matter, water, air, and living organisms, all of which interact to support life on Earth. Soils are…

Population: Ecology, Size, Density, Growth Rate & Curve, Carry capacity, Sex ratio

Population In biology, a population refers to a group of individuals of the same species living in the same geographic area at the same time and capable of interbreeding. The individuals in a population share a common gene pool and are subject to similar environmental factors and selective pressures. Populations can be defined and studied…

Study of Fish Fauna and Physicochemical Parameters of Ikpoba River in Benin City, Edo State

Study of fish fauna and physicochemical parameters of Ikpoba River in Benin City, Edo State Written by: Ugwu Jude Ozoemena (B.Sc) 1.1   Introduction to the study of fish fauna and physicochemical parameters of Ikpoba River in Benin City, Edo State Nigeria Water is essential in life, it is important to both plants and animals….

Biogeochemical cycles

Biogeochemical cycles Biogeochemical cycles are natural processes that involve the cycling of chemical elements and compounds between living organisms, the atmosphere, water bodies, rocks, and soils. These cycles are driven by biological, geological, and chemical processes and play a critical role in the functioning of ecosystems and the Earth’s biogeochemical system. Note: the law of…

Enzymes: Source, Causes and Waste Management

Enzymes and Waste Management Title Page Dedication Acknowledgment Table of Contents List of Figures Abstract CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITION OF TERMS 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Enzymes 1.2 Waste 1.3 Waste Management CHAPTER TWO: SOURCES, KINDS, AND CHARACTERISTICS OF ENZYMES USED IN WASTE MANAGEMENT 2.1 Sources of Enzymes used in Waste Management 2.2 Kinds of Enzymes used…

CSC 211 – Principal of Forestry Past Questions

FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF CROP SCIENCE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2015/2016 SESSION CSC 211 – PRINCIPAL OF FORESTRY INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in each of the sections Time:   3hours SECTION A 1. Describe five of forestry based on their origins Explain the following off-road transport system in the tree-falling and log transportation   Ground skidding…

CSC 321: Arable Crop Production Past Questions

UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA NSUKKA FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF CROP SCIENCE SESSION: 2013/2014 CSC 321: ARABLE CROP PRODUCTION  1) What is the name of the body cavity of an insect? 2)    The two short sections of an insect leg closely attached to the insect body are called (a) ________________and (b) __________________ 3)  Supply insect examples of…