POL. SC. 301 – Political Behaviour Past Questions

UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE SECOND  SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2014/2015 ACADEMY SESSION COURSE TITLE: POLITICAL BEHAVIOUR COURSE CODE: POL. SC. 301 TIME ALLOWED: 3HRS Instruction: Answer three questions  including No. 1 One of the disturbing issues in the study of Political Behaviour as a field of study is the decline and relegation of…

Pol. Sc. 352: Course Title: History of Political Thought

UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE UNDERGRADUATE EXAMINATION Session: 2012/2013 Semester: Second Course code: Pol. Sc. 352 Course Title: History of Political Thought Unit Load: 2 Instruction: Answer question 1 and any three others. Critically analyze the status of women in the polity according to the following philosophers: Nicollo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, John…

POL. SC. 352 – History Political of Thought II Past Questions

UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2014/2015 ACADEMY SESSION COURSE TITLE: HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT II course CODE: POL. SC. 352 TIME ALLOWED: 3HRS DATE: 12TH August 2015 Instruction: Answer question No. 1 and any other 3   Critically analyze the famous Maxim- ‘The End justifies the mean in the…

PSC 364 – Contemporary Political Analysis Past Question

UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2014/2015 ACADEMY SESSION COURSE TITLE: CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL ANALYSIS COURSE CODE: PSC 364 TIME ALLOWED: 3HRS DATE: 1st  August 2015 Instruction: Answer 3 questions in all and at least one in each section How is Liberalism as a paradigm of political analysis fundamentally different from…

Political sc. 413 – Local Government in Nigeria Past Qestions

UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Political sc. 413 – Local Government in Nigeria First semester examinations, 2013/2014 Monday, May 12, 2014 Time allowed; 3 hours Instruction: Answer Question number 6 and any other three questions of your choice. The autonomy of local government in Nigeria is a myth rather than a reality….

Pol. Sc. 312 – Government and Administration of Urban Systems Past Questions

UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2014/2015 ACADEMY SESSION Pol. Sc. 312 – Government and Administration of Urban Systems TIME ALLOWED: 3HRS Instruction: Answer question number 1 and any other two questions of your choice Identify and discuss the important role of urban centers in Nigeria. (a) Explain the term:…

POL. SC. 441 State And Economy Past Questions

DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE COURSE TITLE: STATE AND ECONOMY  SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2014/2015 ACADEMY SESSION COURSE TITLE: STATE AND ECONOMY COURSE CODE: POL. SC. 441 TIME ALLOWED: 3HRS DATE: 17TH JULY, 2013 Instruction: Answer question No. 1 and any other 3 of your choice With reference to appropriate literature and at least 5 empirical indicators, assess…

The implications of soil classification for agricultural development in Nigeria By OKONJI, NORA ISIOMA

What is soil classification? Firstly, the soil is an independent natural resource that results from the interaction between factors and processes of soil formation. Soil classification is an essential aspect of agricultural development in Nigeria. It plays a significant role in determining the appropriate agricultural practices, land use planning, and land management strategies in various…

The Military and Politics Past Questions

UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2007/2008 ACADEMY SESSION TIME ALLOWED: 3HRS Pol. Sc. 411: The Military and Politics INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ANY THREE QUESTION Trace the historical development of the Nigerian state and account for the hegemony of military dictate in Nigerian politics. Explain the consequences of the distortions of…