Tips for Maintaining Akpa Amu (Scrotal Sac) Health and Hygiene

Tips for Maintaining Akpa Amu (Scrotal Sac) Health and Hygiene

The scrotal sac, also known as “Akpa Amu” in the Igbo language in Southeastern Nigeria, is a part of the male reproductive system. The Akpa Amu, also called the scrotum is responsible for housing and protecting the testicles, which are the male reproductive organs that produce sperm and testosterone. Essential Tips for Maintaining Akpa Amu…

Erectile Dysfunction: 8 ways to manage your erection problems

Erectile Dysfunction: 8 ways to manage your erection problems

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to have or sustain an erection strong enough to have sexual intercourse. It is a major challenge for many young men and, worse still, among married couples. It is so bad that it is a major cause of infidelity in homes and can cause depression, low sexual libido, loss of…

Female Genital Mutilation: Risks, Dangers, Stop it Today!

On this day December 5th, I remember the dangers and long-lasting effects of Female genital mutilation. Just imagine your face being cut severally with a sharp knife, up to 100 times. That’s the type of pain that is felt during Female Genital Mutilation. Female Genital Mutilation It’s the removal of the parts of the female…